Bikini Bustout

Category: BBW, Big Tits | Date: 2 March 2009 "I always knew I could be a star, that I had that 'thing,' you know," says Samantha. "But it was a big step to make that commitment to it because like I said before, when you do, it limits your options. A lot of things are then closed off to you. Don't get me wrong. When you get into modeling, you're open about your sexuality and you're open with yourself, and that's the great part about it. But you know how judgmental a lot of the world can be and how guys like to separate girls into two distinct areas: your Gingers or your Mary Anns, the girls you want to fuck and the girls you want to marry. So once you get into modeling, there are a lot of jobs that are closed off to you. Jobs at banks, corporate jobs. I think being open about sexuality still scares a lot of people, and that's sad. A lot of people say, 'Oh, the porn industry is so terrible,' and I think, 'And the corporate world isn't?' Think about it. When your 401K plan has been eaten up or disappeared like at Enron, that was a terrible thing. I consider my industry to be no different. There are sharks in both waters." Tags:
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